Squeeze It

Tarot of  The Hidden Realm

Love what you do and do what you love. The King of Wands is having a good week; this is his third outing – he’s keeping himself busy, feeling confident and inspiring simple joy in others. The only problem is that time flies when you’re having so much damn good fun. Squeeze the life out of every moment while you can.


Tarot of The Hidden Realm

The world is in the palm of your hand and you’re feeling pretty much invincible. You can hardly keep still, there’s so much you want to do – places to go, people to see. In fact I’m amazed you managed to keep still long enough to read this. Your energy levels are at an all-time high and there’s a big blank canvas just waiting for you to make your mark on it. Use your generosity of mood to inspire someone else to feel as good as you do right now.

Crisis Point?

Tarot of The Hidden Realm

2 of Swordsan impossible choice

IV The Emperorauthority

XXI The World – completion

It’s a difficult decision, almost impossible to choose between two options that seem equally untenable. Nevertheless, you have a wealth of experience under your belt and the vision necessary for the task in hand. You are capable of creating the best outcome for all concerned. It may seem like crisis point but choose wisely and you will gain everything you could wish for.