
Osho Zen Tarot

I don’t know what special elixir you have been drinking but the scales fall from your eyes today and you see things with absolute clarity for the first time. The lightbulb over your head sparks into life and everything makes sense at last. Now, now you can move on… now you can see where you are going.

For What It’s Worth

Art of Life Tarot

Know that your true worth lies not in the things you possess and the acquisitions you have made, nor even in the achievements you have chalked up but in the warmth of your heart and the love you inspire in others. Do not feel defeated by the passing of time and what you see as failings – the sun will rise again tomorrow.

Squeeze It

Tarot of  The Hidden Realm

Love what you do and do what you love. The King of Wands is having a good week; this is his third outing – he’s keeping himself busy, feeling confident and inspiring simple joy in others. The only problem is that time flies when you’re having so much damn good fun. Squeeze the life out of every moment while you can.


Tarot of The Hidden Realm

The world is in the palm of your hand and you’re feeling pretty much invincible. You can hardly keep still, there’s so much you want to do – places to go, people to see. In fact I’m amazed you managed to keep still long enough to read this. Your energy levels are at an all-time high and there’s a big blank canvas just waiting for you to make your mark on it. Use your generosity of mood to inspire someone else to feel as good as you do right now.


Art Of Life Tarot

I have heard tell of this thing called ‘Boredom’…?

So much to see and do, so little time – how does one fit it all in? I could do with a few extra pairs of eyes and hands. Try this thing and then try that, try ALL the options that you can imagine, immerse yourself in everything that intrigues and impassions you. They say the devil is in the detail so let yourself become addicted to what you love doing and happiness, my friend, will be yours. Lose yourself in it.

Accept Yourself

Lord Of The Rings Tarot

Feeling sorry for yourself is good because…?

Exactly. Accept that you made a bad decision somewhere in the past and move on with your life. We’ve all done it. Nobody’s perfect – we all ask ourselves what we were thinking when we did that thing/dated that psychopath/ate that out-of-date coleslaw. To err is human, to throw up is not divine but it certainly gets the toxins out of your system. Now wipe your mouth, check the mirror and try not to do it again.
